WEB SDR 3cm La Louvière (La Hestre)
This is the
link to access to the WebSDR tuned on the beacon ON0VHF
The Web SDR 3cm
is located to the radioaamateur club of La Louviere repeater place. Near the city of La Louvière in La
Hestre (region's top level).
have a good clearance in South direction (France), West (Belgian Coast
and Great Britain). Unfortunately in the East direction with are just
on the top of the Mariemont wood.
We receive ON0HVL, near the coast and ON0EME near Antwerpen A little less.
: N50.474963 E04.236355 JO20CL83
Rue Ferrer La Hestre (Manage)
The antenna is a wave guide WR90 with 16 slots, 8 slots by face,
Made by DC3XY, followed by a round wave guide ( a plumber pipe 20x22mm)
that is transformed in WR90 to
be connected to a flange.
tube passe through the cover of the LNB Bullseye and is
pressed to put the signal 10 GHz in the LNB wave guide.
The LNB is a
data model, with a 9.75 GHz controlled by a TCXO, the drift can be
+/- 10 kHz .
The output
signal is 618 MHz, result of 10.368 MHz - 9750MHz = 618 MHz. This
signal is feeded to the station.
The 618 MHz
past through a TBias to put the power in the cable for
the LNB and a 3 dB attenuator feed the signal to
a LimeSDRmini.
The USB dongle is plugged in to a NUC INTEL.
The NUC works
with UBUNTU Linux and the program OPENWEBRX of Jakob DD5JFK .
We still have
some improvment to do, one is to reduce the saturation that come by the
signal of ON0VHF sur 10.368 825, too big in or system.
For the moment GB3CAM at 366Km is our best reception, but it's just the beginning.
A line in the
center of the band is the beat of the SDR, we plan to avoid it.
The OpenWebRX
program has the advantage to propos digital modes with the button DIG,
FT8 and more other are available, we hope to add Q65 soon,
Bellow some pictures:
Left the
antenna with his cover in polyestère (Thanks to Lido ON2LCA) and
the LNB. On the same mast a Dielectric antenna for 5 GHz, it's the link
On the Right It's the
building on the roof with the lift machine and that where we have two
mast with two antennas, one is ON0HC (FM - VHF repeater) and the other
is ON0PLL (ON0PLL UHF D Star repeater).
Arrow for the WEBSDR antenna.
Down is the view of the station with 3 repeaters and WEBSDR. The WEBSDR crew, ON7KGK-ON7FI